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Puregold Cleandrill

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PUREGOLD CLEANDRILL is a bentonite free powder designed for special conditions associated with drilling horizontal directional recovery wells for groundwater remediation. PUREGOLD CLEANDRILL maintains formation permeability and porosity. PUREGOLD CLEANDRILL is designed for use in drilling operations where bentonite based drilling fluids are restricted and a biodegradable drilling fluid is recommended.

Recommended Use

PUREGOLD CLEANDRILL is designed for use in drilling operations where

bentonite based drilling fluids are restricted and a biodegradable drilling

fluid is recommended.


• Decreases filtration rate in unconsolidated formations

• Elevated yield point and gel strength for efficient cutting suspension and transport

• Enhanced viscosity for efficient borehole cleaning

• Improved borehole stability for easy well installation

• Increases recovery rate of contaminants during remediation

• Preserves porosity and permeability of formation

• Soluble in water, and disperses easily with moderate shear

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet

Cross Reference Sheet

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